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·Shenzhen Splendid China  ·Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion  ·Mount Huangshan: both the world cultural and natural heritage lists  ·Gushan Yongquan Temple Of Fuzhou City  ·The memory of winter  ·Yichun Kuerbin  ·Chongqing: the only municipality directly under the central government in western China  ·Sydney Scenery  ·Ambilight strange world: Genghuang Old Town Qiliangdong, Hunan Province  ·Chinese Ancient Architecture Museum: Hebei Zhengding Longxing Temple  ·solidified the moment: the history of the old photographs about China  ·Guiyang  ·Millennium ancient castle: Shujiatang Castle of Fenghuang old city, Hunan Province  ·Equatorial Monument Of Quito In Ecuador  ·Beihai scenery in Guangxi Province  
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